
Full Tranmission Repair In Houston

As cars and trucks get older, their owners will eventually have to face some type of required transmission repair to keep the vehicle running. This is especially true here in the Houston area with the hot and humid climate that we see during the summer months. The last thing that any automobile owner should do if their vehicle needs a transmission service is to put it off until tomorrow. Throughout the more than 17 years that we have been open for business at Houston Mobile Car Repair, our technicians have found that by auto owners take early action on transmission issues, they can save a lot of time and money fixing the small things before they become big problems.

Throughout the almost two decades that we have been open, our team and every auto mechanic has become one of the most highly rated in the local area. Our company’s dedication to customer service is what has made us a business success over the years, and we provide the full range of auto repair and maintenance services for our customers. In the event your automobile does require a full transmission rebuild, our expert team is here to assist. We know how to get your auto back up and running as quickly as possible when it comes time to fix the transmission, and all of our service techs are ASE certified.

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We also know how to give you choices when it comes to this big repair. Many times, we will be able to identify issues that although they should be fixed along with the rebuild, if you simply don’t have enough money to pay for all of the repairs, can be put off until a later time. No matter what, our primary goal is to take care of both you and your vehicle’s problems. Give us a call when you have time with any questions that you have specific to your automobile. Everyone you speak to on the phone is not only knowledgeable about car and transmission repairs but will take as much time as you need to walk through your specific automobile issues with you. We will always give you a free estimate on request, so don’t delay in reaching out to our team as soon as you have time to do so.

(346) 702-4388

More About Our Service


Engine Work

If you require any engine work on your auto vehicle, our experts have you covered. Our mobile technicians can work on all sorts of engines from all types of makes and models. If you need a fully competent, reliable and insured mobile mechanic for your engine work, get in touch with a member of our team today.


Hydraulic Service

Our hydraulic service can restore, repair or fit new hydraulics to your auto vehicle to get you back on the road. Whether damage was caused by speed bumps, pot holes in the roads, an accident or anything alike, the tema at Houston Mobile Car Repair has you covered and can provide you with a solution to sort your hydraulics every time.


All Air Components

Air components are vital at ensuring your motor vehicles engine runs and performs correctly. Make sure all your air components function correctly such as air filter, pollen filter and much more. Our experts can repair any air component on your motor vehicle at affordable rates and we can come to a location convenient to you.


Brake Repairs

Brakes are fundamental to all types of vehicles as it is used to alllow the vehicle to stop. If your brakes are not up to scratch, these may not comply with US vehicle guidelines. We can replace all types of brakes on all types of makes and models. If your brakes need an inspection or replacing, please call us today.


Engine Repairs

Engine repairs can often lead to buying a new motor vehicle, however a more affordable solution is our engine repair service. By repairing your engine, you can potentially save thousands from buying a new vehicle altogether. If your vehicle needs its engine repaired, speak to a member of our team today to see how we can help.


Trailer Roof Leaks

If you have a trailer and are suffering from a trailer roof leak, speak to one of our professional staff today. Our roof leak services for trailers are effecient and affordable. Regardless of the condition of your roof if its damaged, the team at Houston Mobile Car Repair will be able to provide you a solution.


Transmission Repairs

Our tranmission repair service identities and fixes issues with all transmission types. Usually the gears on cars can go within 100k of miles and need to be fixed. Our team can provide affordable solutions for transmissions on all types of makes and models of vehicles. Call us today to find out more about our transmission repair services.


Mobile Coach Repair

If you need a mobile automatic to repair a coach, Houston Mobile Car Repair have a solution for you. One of our technicians can meet you wherever you break down and can diagnose the situation alongside providing a solution to fix the issue there and then. For all mobile coach repair inquiries, speak to a member of staff today.

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